Dear MAJOBA Customers, from February 07 to March 15, we’re taking a little break. Our webshop will stay open, but shipping of our magnetic bookmarks will be delayed. You’re welcome to place orders to your heart’s content, but your packages won’t be shipped until middle of March. Thanks for your understanding!
Warm regards, Your MAJOBA Team
1. What is MAJOBA?
MAJOBA is the company of the Berlin artist, Marion J. Bartz. Her motifs are available as magnetic bookmarks in the online shop www.lesemagnete.
2. What are the formats of the magnetic bookmarks?
The magnetic bookmarks are available in the sizes Mini (2.2 x 3.2 cm), Classic (2.8 x 4.1 cm) and Maxi (4.0 x 5.8 cm).
3. What are the different formats suitable for?
We recommend the Mini magnetic bookmarks for calendars and address books. This size is also good to securely mark pages cookery books, school books and scientific dissertations.
Our „Classics“, the magnetic bookmarks of the Classic range are ideal for all paperbacks.
We recommend the Maxi magnetic bookmarks for pages of large books and as a small “decoration”. The Maxi magnetic bookmarks are very popular with children and older people because they are so easy to handle.
4. What material are the magnetic bookmarks made of?
The magnetic bookmarks consist of two differently polarised magnetic foil sides that attract each other. According to their size, they hold one book page (Mini), up to three book pages (Classic) and up to five books pages (Maxi) together.
5. What is the minimum order quantity per order?
The minimum order quantity for each magnetic bookmark motif of every size is 6 pieces, for books is 12 pieces, and for calenders, giftsets and giftcards 6 pieces.
6. How long is the period between ordering and delivery?
As a rule, the goods are shipped 3 to 5 work days after receipt of the payment.
7. How do I order the magnetic bookmarks?
After successful registration in the shop, new customers are activated according to their retailer status and can then select products from our range to the terms and conditions specified in the system.
8. How do I conclude a purchasing contract with
With your order, you expressively make us a binding offer to conclude a contract with you, the purchaser. With the sending of an acknowledgement of order per e-mail to you or with the delivery of the ordered goods, we accept this offer. You will initially receive a confirmation of receipt of your order per e-mail to the e-mail address you have indicated (confirmation of order). A purchasing agreement is first concluded with the delivery of the ordered goods.
9. Who pays for the shipping costs and how high will they be?
The purchaser pays the shipping costs. The exact shipping costs will be communicated to the person placing the order during the ordering procedure. The shipment is free house from a purchase value of 100 Euro net.
10. Is there a right of return and withdrawal?
As we deliver exclusively to retailers, a right of return and withdrawal is excluded. In individual cases and following consultation with us, withdrawal from the contract could be permitted on the basis of a special arrangement.
11. Who assumes the liability for the delivery?
Detected deficiencies and defects must be reported without delay by the purchaser, but within two days of receipt of the goods, at the latest, in written form together with a copy of the delivery note or the invoice to be sent to the address indicated under § 2 (1). Liability claims shall be excluded in the case of a complaint that is not received in good time or is not compliant with the defined procedure. Any liability for normal wear in the goods is excluded.
Any transport damage must be reported to the transport company immediately.
12. How can I find out about new offers?
Business customers can subscribe to a newsletter that will regularly inform them about innovations. You can subscribe to the newsletter on the left side.